Thursday 24 September 2009

In Memory

Every year, we have remembered Mom Stolte in various ways throughout the year. Around the time of year when she died (May), we have started the tradition of raising money for cancer research at the Relay for Life. For her birthday (Oct), sometimes we go the gravesite, sometimes we go for dinner, sometimes we just get together at someone's house. This year we decided to try a park - a bit more family friendly, as the "families" now outnumber the "couples". We had a great time remembering stories about Mom, watching videos from the past, watching her grandkids play together, and missing her like crazy. She was a wonderful person who loved her children like the dickens. It is quite a testament to her relationship with her kids that 15 years after she died, they all still make it a priority to take some time out of their busy lives to remember her. Awesome.

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