Friday, 23 July 2010

Just start

I have a confession to make. One of my very secret dreams is to be buff. Not slim like a supermodel. Buff. Legs like a speed skater. Biceps like a framer. Tone...and lots of it.

Fortunately, I have been given a body that has the potential. Unfortunately, it is still in the potential stage. After having three children, a lack-luster workout regime and a list of excuses as long as my arm (and leg!) my body isn't what I would like it to look like.

After talking to Mike about my dilemna, he encouraged me to just start with a run in the morning. (imagine that - just start? Don't I have to have a very well thought out plan of attack?) I promptly told him (and therefore, myself) in no uncertain terms (with a bowl of popcorn twists in my hand) that it wasn't going to happen. I needed time to psychologically build myself up. I will start in September. We are going on vacation next week - why start, then go on vacation? And after that, it just gets complicated with having kids around all the time. So September sounded like a good, thought out plan that would work for me.

And the funniest thing happened to me this morning. At 6:41 (a.m.) there was an incessant cry from one of the many birds that live in the tree outside of our bedroom window. I promptly turned over, put the sheets over my head and tried to block out the sound. Then - not four minutes late - at 6:45 (a.m.), Aaralyn called for me because of something (I don't even remember what anymore...) which made me get out of bed. And, me being me, jumped back into bed, thinking that perhaps I could fall asleep again.

In actuality, I was completely wide awake and had run out of excuses. So...I took it as a nudge from the big guy upstairs, got out of bed, did a bit of stretching and just started running. I'm not going to say it was a fabulous run because it wasn't. And it wasn't easy, either. But, I do believe the universe is pushing me in the right direction.

And that is where I need some help. Because the universe is pretty easy to ignore. People who hold me accountable aren't. So...I am looking for a few people who are wanting to step up to the fitness plate and take a bite or two. It doesn't matter if you live right next door or on the other side of the ocean.

Here's what I am hoping to do: commit to at least 30 minutes of intense exercise three times a week and find a few other people to do the same. We can encourage and inspire each other using this wonderful tool called the internet. We don't have to be doing the same exercise - obviously I am more fit that some and less fit than some - just encourage each other.

Anyone? If you are interested, e-mail me at thestoltes(at)gmail(dot)com and we'll take it from there. I can possibly do this on my own, but I know that it takes more than me to really succeed. Why not just start?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can attest that she ACTUALLY has been getting up 3 times each week and gone running. You go Carla!!
- Your lovin' hubby