Monday 3 January 2011

Hello 2011!!

Goodbye year of 'home'. Last year at this time, I choose a word that was to guide and shape my year, and it seemed to me that the word "home" was calling my name. Ironically, it was a year of travelling away from home, and it felt like I spent more time running errands and volunteering and being away from home than being home.

But, when I reflect on all that we have done this past year, the word "home" is pretty much where this year took me. And throughout the year, I would have a little niggle in the back of my mind about this particular choice of word, and it would help me refocus on what I have chosen my priorities to be.

So, this year, I have decided to once again embark on this journey of choosing a word for 2011. Some years it comes easily and sometimes it comes with some sweat and tears. (I have a feeling this time around, it is going to be a sweat and tears kind of process). I will also be doing monthly journalling and exploring (via this class) to help make the committment (and the word) a bit more tangible and documented.

So this year is the year of trust. It looks to be like a crazy year - full of chaos and insecurity and not alot of clear direction. I was reflecting on this and a number of words came to mind, but 'trust' seemed to sticking up it's hand and just begging me to choose it. And so, in 2011, my word will be trust.

Trust in myself. Trust in the process of life. Trust in God. Trust in others around me. Trust in allowing things to happen without me having to control every little detail. Trust that I am where I need to be.

I am also, once again embarking on creating a picture of the day album called Project Life. My album for 2011 is still in the box (we are in the throws of renovations and half my supplies are upstairs and half my supplies are downstairs - what was that I was just saying about chaos?), but I am happy to be completing my album for 2010 and embarking on a new year.

In 2009, I used the Becky Higgins binder (and the goodies that went along with it) and in 2010, I created my own album. I found page protectors and bought my own paper and created my own journalling templates. I enjoyed the creative process, but I found it didn't help with getting the photos (and especially) the documenting done. And now in 2011, I am back to BH's binder - just to simplify life.

One of the things I did do last year is include 12X12 and 8 1/2X11 layouts throughout the album, which I am definitely going to do again. And I'm not sure if they will fit, but I love the American Crafts 6X12 page protectors that are in this shot. And I am also hoping to include more paper and 'stuff' from life in this year's album.

Let me just say one more thing - if you have ever thought of doing this type of thing, the time to start is now. Yes, it is a bit intimidating. Yes, it can be a bit laborious at times. Yes, I have wanted to quit. Yes, time needs to be carved out of an already busy life for something like this to take flight. But, the payoff is worth it. It is so, so, so amazing to have a photo + words from each day of our lives - so amazing!! And you may be surprised with how many things there are to photograph in your life.

It isn't the big events that make up life - it is the details, the everyday. The afternoons at the playground. The books we read. The work we do. The things that make us smile. The people we share our lives with. The lists we make. The food we eat. The bills we pay. The groceries we buy. The things we fix. This is life!!

Hello 2011!

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