Wednesday 13 October 2010

Adventure with a capital A!!

Well, it is the eve of the big trip. Today I pick up the hired help (namely, my parents) from the airport, and the fun begins.

It has been highly emotional around here. Eden is a bit on edge, I think because she is anticipating us being gone for a while. Aaralyn and Ephraim know something is up, but can't quite articulate what is going on.

I'm feeling overly excited and unbelievably anxious and completely overwhelmed all at the same time. We have bags to pack, little odds and ends to pick up, documents to print off and details coming out of the wazoo (is that a word?)...

I am looking forward to getting on that plane, and leaving life behind for a while - taking the word 'holidays' at the core and making these next three weeks into 'holy days'. I am looking forward to being in the moment (and apparently learning to be firm with my 'no'), and just being for a while. I am looking forward to not being connected to the larger 'small world' via the internet (translation: no blogging, no facebook, no email). And I am looking forward to doing it all with Mike.

The pyramids...the sphinx...Aswan...boating on the Nile...sunrise hikes up Mt. Sinai...monasteries as old as the hills...this is going to be an Adventure with a capital A!!

Just one favour to ask - if you see my kids at all over the next three weeks, could you give them a big hug and tell them that their mom and dad love them to pieces?


Terri-Lynn said...

Have a FABULOUS time!!!

Edmonton Drost's said...

Awesome. Good for you guys! Have an amazing adventure together.
