Friday 1 October 2010


Forty is one of those numbers that looms on the horizon for many people and for some reason is a bit intimidating. I guess maybe it is officially mid-life. It causes people to reflect on where they are at and evaluate whether or not life up to this point is a cause of celebration or of heartbreak.

But forty is also a holy number. There are references in many faiths to forty - 40 years in the desert, 40 days of fasting, 40 days of Lent. It seems that there is something very significant to the number forty.

Today Mike turns 40. Today he has lived on this world for forty years. Today, he has been known by many people for forty years. Today, he passes into the realm of his 'forties'. (just as an aside, I'm no where near this milestone...)

Here's to a guy who loves life.
Here's to a guy who doesn't make any decisions based on fear.
Here's to a guy who really knows how to do a fabulous tarping job.
Here's to a guy who enjoys his beer immensely.
Here's to a guy who is an amazing friend.
Here's to a guy who takes 'great father' to a whole new level.
Here's to a guy who can make putting up drywall look sexy.
Here's to a guy who makes turning forty into one really great adventure.

Happy Birthday Mike. i love you.


Unknown said...

Lovely Cara. Have a wonderful day with family Mike and blessings for another 40 more - at least!

Carla said...

Thanks Nikki!!