Monday 27 September 2010

Street Art

As we were working on our raised gardening beds in our community garden last week, we were shocked and appalled to find that someone has put graffiti on the side of one of them. We were horrified. How could a person be so bloody self-centered? Grrrrr...

However, I quickly realized that this person, as destructive as it is, is putting his/her mark on the world. I know it probably means something different than just self actualization, but I stopped myself from judging too quickly or too harshly (see previous post). I was still irritated, however.

As an aside, I am always amazed at how certain things come into our lives at certain times. I say this because as I was blog hopping, I came across Katie Sokoler's blog. Let me tell you, this woman is cool. She is a street artist who beautifies Brooklyn with her whimsical and colourful creations. And in my mind popped the idea that this might just be the way to counteract the graffiti.

Can you imagine if people would decorate buildings with pacman? Or draw footprints on the sidewalk? Or put up little punched hearts all over their neighbourhood?

No, it may not bring world peace. But I can guarantee it will bring a smile to many faces.

Maybe I will leave that graffiti on our raised bed, and cover it with bright red hearts. That way, if he or she comes around, I'll have made a mark of love on their mark of destruction...isn't that like turning the other cheek?

photo by Katie Sokoler

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