Monday 13 September 2010

Today You

Today you started preschool.

Today you entered a whole new phase of life. One that includes new friends and influential adults in your life other than your mommy and daddy. One that includes water tables, indoor shoes, structure and paint. One that means you are just a bit more self-reliant than yesterday.

Today you told me in no uncertain terms that I was not to stay at your preschool. Today you said goodbye to me as if it was no big deal. As if my heart wasn't torn between wanting to hold you close to me for just a little longer and jumping for joy knowing what this new independence means.

Today you wore your drum shirt. Today you grudgingly put on pants and socks.

Today you followed alot of direction. Taking outdoor shoes off, putting indoor shoes on, bring your snack to the snack table.

Today you ran into my arms when I showed up to pick you up from preschool.

Today you made me one proud mama.

I love you Ephraim.

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