Saturday 18 December 2010


Today's photo is about 'recharging'. The challenge: in the hustle and bustle of presents and preparations and shopping and planning and wrapping, take a few moments, take a deep breath and stop, even just a for a few moments. Did I do this today? Not really, well, actually no - not at all.

Usually my days are pretty intense - full of activity and 'doing' rather than stopping and 'being'. Recharging for me ends up being a late night affair that usually includes a glass of wine and a couch and a pretty amazing guy after the kids are in bed and my projects have come to a halt for the day. We talk and laugh and listen and discuss and dream.

In a nutshell, this is how I recharge (and in this case a picture is worth 1000 words):
(the toque? It's still really cold here... and I forgot to mention that Mike is usually eating during this time as well - yes, those are crackers in his hand)

And no matter what happens during the day and no matter how late either of us gets home from evenings out, this time is so very very sacred for both of us, it always. always. always. happens.

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