Monday 7 February 2011

Living a Life

A few months, I came across this quote:
"Instructions on living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." (I don't remember where I saw it...if you know, please let me know and I will give credit where credit is due!)

It stopped me in my tracks. I immediately dropped everything and designed something for my kitchen windowsill where I could read it every day, and be reminded of the wisdom in these few words.

At first glance, it looks a bit simple and naive - I'll give you that. But there is truth beyond measure in these three little statements.

The reality is, life flies by. The kids grow up so very fast. Friends move in and out of our lives. Parents die. Stories go untold. Pain happens. Celebrations occur that feed our souls. And the little things - like learning how to play a scale on a saxophone, and kicking a soccer ball for the first time, and dishes and laundry, and sitting up for the first time, and pictures drawn, and books read, and trips to the library - all get unnoticed and are passed over as if they don't 'really' matter. Yes, they make up much of what we fill our days with, but in many ways are overlooked and forgotten.

But paying attention and being astonished about all these moments changes all that. Suddenly, life become more about the moments and little things. Suddenly that pain I feel over a friend's loss becomes important. And the story of a little girl's journey to reading becomes important. And the joy of creating becomes important. And living in the present becomes important. And if I pay attention, it becomes harder to push the "shoulds" and "ought tos" to the front of the queue.

I looked up 'astonished' in the dictionary, and here is what it said: to be filled with sudden and overpowering surprise or wonder; amazement". How powerful to see a little girl learning to tie her shoes through the lens of amazement and wonder rather than annoyance at how she is holding up my errands...

And telling about it? Some would argue that because I am an extrovert, it is easy for me. And that would be partly true. Let me say here that it is a choice that I make - because I know that life is far richer with each little step of vulnerability that I take. It also makes life messier, but telling my story gives my life a depth and thickness that cannot be bought or sold. (and I don't mean to say that everyone should start a blog, but I do mean to say that life moments shared with even one person creates a far richer life).

And so, I would love to share this design with you - just open it in new window, right click it and save it to your computer. It is formatted for a 5X7 size - upload it and print it, frame it, and voila!

Enough of my soap has been a full weekend - keep posted for more 'joy of love' photos in the coming days!

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